Changes to 511 FAQ

Wondering what happened to the Trip Planner or the 511 SF Bay Alexa skill? Take a look at the questions below to see what's changed on 511.

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Questions no longer provides the following:

  • Trip planner,

  • Real-time transit departure times,

  • Transit agency schedules,

  • Transit Tracker, and

  • Real-time parking information.  (NOTE: This feature is also discontinued from the 511 Phone service)

MTC has always been, and will continue to be, committed to providing a flexible 511 system that evolves with changes in technology as well as user needs and expectations.

Usage trends and recent surveys show that Bay Area travelers are turning to a variety of sources to get around. Depending on their travel needs, they are increasingly using transit agency or private sector websites and apps for trip planning, real-time transit information, and transit schedules.

511 continues to provide core elements of the website, including the following:

  • Traveler alerts

  • An interactive map, with traffic, transit, carpool, and biking information layers,

  • Consolidated tweets from 511 and partner agencies, and

  • Resources for traffic, transit, paratransit, RTC discount card, carpool, vanpool, bicycling, express lanes, and park ‘n ride lots.

511 is also focusing on its strengths as a regional data provider to support and collaborate with the innovative work being done by the private sector. All of 511’s data is available free of charge on

Trip Planner

Easy-to-use trip planning tools are widely available online and through mobile applications. Go to our Mobile Apps & Websites pages to find some alternatives.

Real-Time Departure Information

Travelers can use a variety of the many publicly available apps that deliver transit departure times. Visit our Mobile Apps page for a few options. And, real-time transit departure information continues to be available on the 511 phone.

Transit Agency Schedules

Bay Area transit agencies provide up-to-date transit schedules and fares information on their websites.

Real-Time Parking Information

Drivers can acquire parking information from smartphone apps or from numerous websites. Find a selection of options on our Mobile Apps & Websites pages

The 511 SF Bay Alexa skill was discontinued on December 18th, 2020. Real-time transit departure information and real-time traffic conditions will continue to be available on the 511 phone system. Simply call 511 and say “Departure Times” or “Traffic Conditions” to get started.

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