511 SF Bay’s Portal for Open Traffic Data. Data is free and available using a token.
Once you have obtained your API token, you can use the data endpoints below to obtain traffic incident event and express lanes toll data from major highways in the San Francisco Bay Area. The traffic event API has been updated recently to include enhanced content. In addition to road closure geometries, this API now provides additional data to help end users with more precise information.
The default rate limit per API token is 60 requests per 3600 seconds. If you need increased rate limit for your purpose, please send your request to 511sfbaydeveloperresources@googlegroups.com without including your API Key. For more detail on these data endpoints, you can download the technical specification.
Traffic Events API
Provides all active and planned incidents and events on all major highways in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area
- Endpoint: http://api.511.org/traffic/events?api_key=[your_key]
- Allowable parameters: please consult the technical document
Toll Data API
Provides tolls for all bridges and express lanes on highways in the nine county San Francisco Bay Area
- Endpoint: http://api.511.org/toll/programs?api_key=[your_key]
- Allowable parameters: please consult the technical document
Work Zones Data Exchange (WZDx) API
Provides all planned and active road closures and detours throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
By default, the API converts events with non-standard directional value ‘both’ to allowed WZDx value ‘undefined’. When the optional filter ‘includeAllDefinedEnums’ is set to ‘true’ the directional value ‘both’ will be included.
- Endpoint: http://api.511.org/traffic/wzdx?api_key=[your_key]
- Allowable parameters: includeAllDefinedEnums=true
Want to use 511 Open Data APIs?
Here's a short text of the process. And don't forget to check the Terms & Conditions of usage.
Get Started by Requesting a Token
API Documentation

511 Data Agreement

511 SF Bay Open Data Specifications - Toll Data

Open 511 Data Exchange Specifications – Overview