Renew or Replace an RTC Card

If you applied or renewed your RTC card before January 2020, your card has an expiration date. When it expires, you will need to renew and receive a new card.  

If you have applied or renewed using the Medical Certification form after January 1, 2020 and your disability is permanent your card does not have an expiration date. These cards do not need to be renewed. The RTC program will contact you to update your photo and preferred communication method every five years.

Renewing a Card

The RTC program recommends submitting a renewal application within 60 days of the expiration date. You may request the transit agency to mail the renewal form to you. Renewal applications(PDF file opens in a new window) are accepted at San Francisco Bay Area transit agency locations.  Please check the RTC card processing locations page for current hours of service. You may also mail in renewal forms.

If renewing using a DMV Disabled Parking Placard, please see the Additional Information section. This section explains the supporting documentation that you need to include with your renewal application.

Renewal applications are accepted at San Francisco Bay Area transit agency locations.  Please check the RTC card processing locations page for current hours of service.

Please note: If you previously showed proof of eligibility for an RTC card through another transit agency card (from outside of the Bay Area) or a non-permanent Medical eligibility, you will need to reapply using the Basic(PDF file opens in a new window) or Medical(PDF file opens in a new window) application.


Additional Information

  • placard.jpg

    For those using DMV Disabled Parking Placards

    Your renewal application must include your new DMV Placard number and receipt so that it can be verified.

    • If applying in person, bring the DMV Placard registration issued by the DMV with you.
    • If applying by mail, include a copy of the DMV receipt with your application.

Replacing Lost or Stolen Cards

Replacement cards are for Lost, Stolen and Damaged cards. If approved, the replacement is usually sent within 7-10 days. 

You can download the Replacement Application (PDF)(PDF file opens in a new window) or request an application by mail. 

Completed applications can be submitted to a transit agency or sent directly to:

P.O. Box 7006
Stockton, CA 95267

Replacement card application fee is $3. Please make check or money order payable to ‘RTC’ if mailing in your replacement form. If you are submitting your replacement form at a RTC processing location, you can pay the $3 fee in cash.

Please confirm your current address on the Replacement Application. You can choose to have your card sent to a transit agency.

Have more questions? View our RTC FAQs.

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