Carpool, Clean Air Vehicle and Low-Income Discounts

Carpool and Clean Air Vehicle Discounts on Bay Area Express Lanes

Watch a short video to find out how to get discounted tolls by carpooling or driving a Clean Air Vehicle on Bay Area Express Lanes with the right kind of FasTrak tag(opens in a new window)

Carpool Toll Policy for Each Bay Area Express Lane
Express Lane Carpool Toll Policy (with properly set FasTrak Flex Toll Tag)
SR-237  3+ Free; 2-person Pay Half-Price Tolls
I-880  3+ Free; 2-person Pay Half-Price Tolls
US-101 3+ Free; 2-person Pay Half-Price Tolls
I-680 Sunol 2+ Free
I-680 Contra Costa  2+ Free
I-580  2+ Free

Clean Air Vehicles

Eligible Clean Air Vehicles (CAVs) must have a FasTrak CAV toll tag set to the number of people in their car to get toll discounts on express lanesLearn more about CAV toll tags here(opens in a new window).

Learn how Express Lanes tolls apply to CAVs by reading our Clean Air Vehicle Tolling FAQ(PDF file opens in a new window).

Clean Air Vehicle Toll Policy for Each Bay Area Express Lane
Express Lane CAV Toll Policy (with properly set CAV Toll Tag)
SR-237  Solo & 2-person CAVs pay half-price toll; 3+ toll-free
I-880  Solo & 2-person CAVs pay half-price toll; 3+ toll-free
US-101 Solo & 2-person CAVs pay half-price toll; 3+ toll-free
I-680 Sunol Solo CAVs pay half-price tolls; 2+ toll-free
I-680 Contra Costa  Solo CAVs pay half-price tolls; 2+ toll-free
I-580  Solo CAVs pay half-price tolls; 2+ toll-free

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