Guaranteed or Emergency Ride Home Programs offer the reassurance that you can get home in case of an emergency like illness, family crisis, or unforeseen overtime when you've taken an alternative mode of travel to work such as transit, a carpool, vanpool, or bike.
Check below to see if the county where you work is offering a guaranteed or emergency ride home program.
Guaranteed and Emergency Ride Home Programs
Alameda County - Guaranteed Ride Home Program
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work in Alameda County, and who use any alternative to driving alone to work (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking) on the day of the emergency. The program is open to all employees in Alameda County who live within 100 miles of their work site. Employees must pre-register in the program (which is free). Eligible taxi and rental car rides can be reimbursed by submitting a receipt through the program's website.
Alameda County Transportation Commission, Guaranteed Ride Home, c/o Nelson\Nygaard.
Hotline: (510) 433-0320 or http://grh.alamedactc.org/
Contra Costa County - Guaranteed Ride Home
A free taxi or rental car ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work and students who attend school in Contra Costa County, and who use any alternative to driving alone to work (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking or walking) on the day of the emergency. This program is open to all employees in Contra Costa County who live within 100 miles of their work site and students who are 18 or over and are enrolled in at least 9 credits at a college in the county. Participants must pre-register in the program (which is free). Eligible rideshare app (Lyft, Uber, etc), taxi, and rental car rides can be reimbursed by submitting a receipt through the program's website.
511 Contra Costa: 511cc.org/grh
Questions? grh@511contracosta.org or (510) 210-5930
Marin County - Emergency Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work in Marin County, and who use an alternative to driving alone to work (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking) on the day of the emergency. You can be reimbursed for an expedient ride home via taxi, Uber, Lyft (or equivalent), by submitting a reimbursement request.
Transportation Authority of Marin
Questions: (415) 226-0815 or tam.ca.gov/erh/
Napa County - Guaranteed Ride Home Program
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work or students who attend college in Napa County, use an alternative to driving alone to work or school (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking) on the day of the emergency, and have a Vcommute account and log their commute trip on the day of their GRH trip. You can be reimbursed for a ride via taxi, ride-hailing app, transit or a combination of those modes by submitting a reimbursement request.
Napa Valley Transportation Authority
Questions: (707) 259-8778 or vcommute.org/guaranteed-ride-home
San Francisco County - Emergency Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
All permanent employees of a San Francisco employer who are 18 years or older are eligible to submit a reimbursement request for a qualified emergency, including travel to locations outside of San Francisco. You can be reimbursed for an expedient ride home via official San Francisco taxi by submitting a reimbursement request.
San Francisco Department of the Environment
Questions: (415) 355-3700 or https://sfenvironment.org/emergency-ride-home
San Mateo County - Guaranteed Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work or students who attend college in San Mateo County, and who use an alternative to driving alone to work or school (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking) on the day of the emergency. You can be reimbursed for an expedient ride home via taxi, Uber, Lyft (or equivalent), by submitting a reimbursement request.
Questions: (650) 588-8170 or commute.org/guaranteed-ride
Santa Clara County - Guaranteed Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees or students that are at least 18 years or older and attend a post-secondary school/college or work in Santa Clara County. Must have used a sustainable transportation mode to get to work or school on a day GRH is needed. Must have a VTA GRH account on the GRH portal.
Email: grh@vta.org
Questions: (408) 321-2300 or https://www.vta.org/grh
Solano County - Guaranteed Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work in Solano County, use alternative transportation like transit, carpool or vanpool to travel to work on the day of the emergency and are registered on Commute Solano are eligible. Commuters can utilize a Lyft, Uber or taxi in the case of an emergency and be reimbursed by submitting a reimbursement request.
Solano Mobility
Questions: (800) 535-6883 or solanomobility.org/program/emergency-ride-home
Sonoma County - Emergency Ride Home
A free ride home in case of an emergency (illness, family crisis, unscheduled overtime).
Who is eligible:
Employees who work in Sonoma County, and who use an alternative to driving alone to work or school (public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking) on the day of the emergency. You can be reimbursed for an expedient ride home via taxi, Uber, Lyft (or equivalent), by submitting a reimbursement request.
County of Sonoma
Questions: (707) 565-2900 or https://scta.ca.gov/projects/emergency-ride/