Discounted Parking Permits

The city of San Francisco offers discounted (or reduced-cost) parking permits for qualified vanpools.
City & County of San Francisco - Mini Van & Full-Sized Van
Minimum Required # Passengers: 7-15 passengers
Pricing: $170/year
- Only vans or SUV's with 7 to 15 passengers are eligible for vanpool parking (cars, station wagons, etc. DO NOT qualify)
- In San Francisco, permits allow vans to park at any meter with a time limit of 60 minutes or longer
- Parking spaces are available on a first-come-first-served basis (spaces are not reserved or pre-assigned)
- Permits are assigned to the vehicle not the driver (vehicle registration information is required)
- A vanpool rider list with contact information is required
To purchase San Francisco vanpool parking permits, click here.
Note: 511 is not responsible for parking citations or refunding any parking permit payments